Texas Sports Sands is an official distributor for Peat and Rev products.

Professional Quality Soil
& Planet Enhancer

DAKOTA Peat is a great addition to any operation from sports fields to home gardens. Here are a few of the commonly used applications from industries and clientele we currently serve:

Golf greens, tees, fairways and sports fields
Organic flower beds and vegetable gardening
Potting soil
Tree and shrub planting
Turf and lawn care
Water conservation

Whatever your needs may be, from golf and sports turf construction or maintenance to nursery horticulture and everything in between, the DAKOTA Peat is here to help your business grow.

Professional Quality Soil & Planet Enhancer

See more independent, third-party lab results.


This easy-to-use, highly concentrated organic growth enhancer works harder so you don’t have to, by encouraging your system to grow through improved water retention and feeding abilities for a superior end result.

  • 1800 lb superbag (40in. x 48in. x 86in.)
  • 24 lb small bag (23in. x 15.5in. x 6in.)


Dakota Peat is a highly decomposed organic matter resulting from a glacial lake around 10,000 years ago. When the lake receeded, it left behind nutrient-rich fine silt, which has been a great benefit to farmers for centuries. The peat is mostly decomposed reeds and sedges, which is different than peat derived from sphagnum and hypnum moss.


A highly concentrated organic material ideal for soil conditioning and growing, DAKOTA Peat is made from selected deposits and carefully processed to maintain its agronomic horticultural attributes. Its unique cellular structure resists further decomposition, allowing the blend to last longer in soil, and provides successful growth through exceptionally high plant feeding abilities.

How It Works

Dakota Peat  is a natural insulator against evaporation, reducing heat stress and field loss through its unique hydrophilic characteristics. The heavy-duty organic soil conditioner is completely processed to provide users with excellent mixing to reduce or eliminate the need for special equipment. It is an ideal soil conditioner and growing medium for plants of all types in a variety of applications.

Ready to add DAKOTA Peat to your turf management program?

Material Calculator

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Ex. 50,000
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