Comanche Compost®

Natural, cost-effective compost for sustainable playing surfaces.

Comanche Compost®

Texas Sports Sands is the exclusive Texas supplier of Comanche Compost, a superior natural topdressing and soil builder that is quickly replacing peat as the compost blend of choice. This product is selectively screened to both 1/4” and 1/8” sizes depending on the job requirements and can be used to create “USGA” rootzones for both golf courses and sports fields.

Both sizes can be used in new construction and topdressing. Comanche Compost has been inoculated with a proprietary blend of beneficial microorganisms and has been shown to reduce nematode populations and suppress turfgrass diseases in third-party studies.

This means that this all-natural product will help your turf fight disease, take in more nutrients, breakdown thatch and enhance your water management.

This product is sold in bulk or 1-yard super sacks. We also offer landscape bedding material for use in annual color plantings. We can also create a custom blend with Comanche Compost so you get the right mix for your turf.

COMAND Compost

Ready to add Comanche Compost® to your turf management program?

Improves Soil Structure

Organic matter is critical to rootzone structural stability. Comanche Compost supports strong root structure by improving friability, porosity and water permeability.

Water Conservation

Comanche Compost maintains percolation rates, supports water conservation, increases drought resistance and reduces the frequency and intensity of irrigation required for healthy turf.

Reduces Thatch

Thatch is the enemy of healthy turf. It restricts water percolation and air flow. Comanche Compost supplies fungi and Actinomycetes (enzyme-producing bacteria) to the soil, which consumes and converts thatch into humus that makes nutrients available to healthy turf.